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Technical Tips

Painting of stressed monolithic parts

Recently “ Castellano”, the vendor who manufactured the  “starflex paint”, has discontinued its production. A note has been added to the MTC 20-04-05-103 explaining that “self graniting paint  M 118” has been replaced by RP 100, and “smooth paint M 119” has been replaced by RP 150.

The new paint RP 100 and RP 150 are manufactured by MONOPOL and can be ordered through “Interturbine Aviation Logistics” (Texas).  The delivery time frame is approx 20 days.


RP 150 GREY2640
1,85 LI/KIT (1KIT = 1,6LI BASE + 0,25LI HARDENER)


Air Conditioning Control Box (P/N’s C215A1930101, 2, 3)

As the warm weather is here you may find yourself trouble shooting the Eurocopter Air Conditioning system installed in an EC120. We have found that a snag that sometimes causes this system not to work is a faulty Control Switch (item 1HU), located in the Cooling Control Box (item 25VB), found in the pedestal.

To do a quick function test of this Control Switch, remove and disconnect the Cooling Control Box from the pedestal and take it to the bench. Refer to the corresponding Control Box drawing found in the EC120 WDM Chapter 21-51-00-002. Using a digital multimeter selected to do a continuity check, attach the leads of the multimeter to pins 2 and 3 of the control box connector 208VC. With the switch in the “OFF” position there should not be any continuity. Place the Control Box switch in the “AC” position and your multimeter should now be showing continuity. If this is not the case to confirm that the switch is faulty remove wires 2151-39 and 2151-41 from pins 4 and 6 respectively of the switch, 1HU, using a standard plastic red/white extraction tool. With the two wires now removed from the switch, hold them together and your multimeter should now indicate zero resistance. If this is the case you have found the problem, the switch.


New 350/355 Hydraulic Lines Mod 07-4239

These new lines are orange in color, shielded by fibreglass and a silicon cover. These new PFTE hoses will not have the same 6 year life limit as the black Teflon hoses and will not require the protective sleeve called out in SB 29-13.

The Part Numbers for the hoses Pre- and Post-Mod are listed below.

PRE AMS 07-4239 PART NUMBER                             POST AMS 07-4239 PART NUMBER
704A34-412-020                                                         704A34-412-251
704A34-412-021                                                         704A34-412-252
704A34-412-033                                                         704A34-412-253
704A34-412-034                                                         704A34-412-254
704A34-412-035                                                         704A34-412-255
704A34-412-036                                                         704A34-412-256
704A34-412-037                                                         704A34-412-271
704A34-412-038                                                         704A34-412-257
704A34-412-043                                                         704A34-412-265
704A34-412-044                                                         704A34-412-267
704A34-412-045                                                         704A34-412-259
704A34-412-046                                                         704A34-412-260
704A34-412-047                                                         704A34-412-261
704A34-412-048                                                         704A34-412-262
704A34-412-049                                                         704A34-412-258
704A34-412-141                                                         704A34-412-263
704A34-412-142                                                         704A34-412-264
704A34-412-143                                                         704A34-412-266
704A34-412-144                                                         704A34-412-268
704A34-412-145                                                         704A34-412-269
704A34-412-146                                                         704A34-412-270

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